But China novice or not, when he says that "it seems as if this place is moving at such light speed that a lot of young people don't get a chance to have a second thought," he's right. 他说,“这块土地似乎正在以光速向前狂奔,以至于许多年轻人根本没有机会慎重考虑。”尽管他刚刚踏足中国不久,但他这话说得没错。
Theoretically, if you were moving faster than light speed, you could receive a signal from Earth before it was even sent. 理论上讲,如果你的移动速度大于光速,即使地球还没有发出信号,你都能接收到。
That signal is a propagating electric field like light, and would run at light speed through a perfect conductor. 传播的电场就像光一样,如果是在理想的导体中它将以光速传播。
How long before you can make the jump to light speed? 你什么时候才能上光速阿?
After the theoretical and experimental examination, the problems of SR are concentrated on two fields& the light speed constancy postulate, and the inference of light speed cant superluminal. 目前对狭义相对论的质疑集中在“光速不变公设”和“光速不能超过推论”这两方面。
Einstein's "special relativity" cannot be established, The principles of constant light speed Combined with Galileo transformation, and the resulting should is "generalized Galileo transformation". 爱因斯坦的“狭义相对论”不能成立,光速不变条件下的伽利略变换应是“广义伽利略变换”。
New effects of quantum optics-ultraslow light speed and giant optical nonlinearity; 量子光学新效应&极度减慢光速与巨光学非线性;
Special relativity; Light speed; Einstein; Moving object; Observation. 狭义相对论;光速;爱因斯坦;运动物体;观测。
GE Light Speed 16 CT Findings in Diagnosis of Pulmonary Mycosis GELightspeed16CT对肺真菌病诊断的探讨
It can't cope with the influx of data at light speed, dave. 光速状态下我无法处理数据流,戴夫。
You can't do a three-point turn this close to light speed. 无法在这么近的距离做光速三点转向。
The derivation methods of Lorentz transformation according to invariance of light speed and principle of relativity are commented. 评论了仅仅依据光速不变假设和相对性原理推导洛伦兹变换公式的方法。
To observe moving objects, this paper stresses that light speed being the speed of photon relative to its source, introduces the propagation characteristics of light in pure space and in medium. 为了解决运动物体的观测问题,文章先论述了光速是光子相对于光源的速度,介绍了光在纯粹的空间中和介质中的传播特性;
By using a fiber to postpone light pulse output from CuBr laser, the light speed can be determined by the time that light wave packet center traversed. 介绍了利用溴化亚铜激光器输出的脉冲激光通过光纤延时的方法测出光波波包中心所通过的光程及所需时间,从而实现测定光速的实验开设及其设计思想。
-Here's where the fun begins!-How long before you can make the jump to light speed? We played fun games at orientation. -这是有趣的游戏-要多久才能改成光速?新生训练时我们玩一些有趣的游戏。
The light speed being known, it would be possible to decide the distance from the earth to the moon provided that a single light beam could be sent to the moon and made to return to the earth's receiving station. 因为光速是已知的,所以只要难将一束光束送上月球并使它返回地球接收站,就有可能测定从地球到月球的距离。
If the Millennium Falcon went into light speed* It'll be on the other side of the galaxy now. 若千年鹰号达到超光速,现在恐怕早已飞至银河系另一方。
The spaceship flies at light speed. 宇宙飞船以光速飞行。
The light speed control behavior of the resonator with gain is calculated and compared with that of the resonator with loss. 计算了带有增益的微环谐振器的光速控制行为,并与带有损耗的微环谐振器进行对比。
Experiment under scrutiny as teams prepare to test claim that particles can beat light speed. 正在接受仔细审查的实现小组说,粒子可以打败光速。
The nonlinear optics related with light speed reduction and experimental method of light speed reduction are introduced. 主要介绍了与光速减慢有关的非线性光学知识和光速减慢的实验原理及方法。
What is the nature of light? Particle or wave? How fast is light speed? These are all basic questions of physics. 光的本质是粒子还是波?光速是多快?这些都是物理学的基本问题。
Arguments Against Soundness of Invariance of Average Two-Way Light Speed in Any Inertial Frame and Related Issues 任意惯性系中往返平均光速不变性不成立的理由及相关问题
It's racing at light speed. 这是以光速在发展。
But if I used light speed as a conversion, I would say that Philadelphia is a millisecond away. 但如果我使用光速作为参照,我会说费城在一毫秒之外。
Then the possibility of larger phase velocity and group velocity than light speed in dispersive medium is discussed. 然后从色散介质中相速度与群速度的关系,讨论了相速度和群速度超光速的可能性。
Influence of light speed in absorption medium on metrical precision of cavity ring-down 光在吸收介质中的传播速度对光腔衰荡测量精度的影响
Manipulation of light speed in an optical medium can be realized by changing the dispersive properties of the medium. 通过改变介质的色散性质人们能控制光学介质中光的传播速度。
The Measurements of Fine Structure Constant and the Variation of the Light Speed 精细结构常数的测量和光速的变化